TSFLC|Toronto Suomi Finlandia Lions Club

Lion Esko Presented with 35-Year Chevron Award by Lions Clubs International



Been a Lions Club member for 35 years? Lion Esko Ojanpera, a current member of Toronto Suomi Lions Club, was presented a 35-Year Chevron Award from the Lions Clubs International by President Sisko Ahola on May 24, 2015. 

Thank you Esko, for your continuous contribution to the community by being a Suomi Lions member, and adding energy and excitement to the club!

The presentation took place at Lion Esko’s farm in eastern Ontario, when a picnic and social get-together was hosted by him, his lovely wife and beautiful daughter, accompanied by his fellow club members. It was a super nice Sunday in the early summer, and a little tour around his farm made its mark into the wonderful memory of every member that was there.

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