TSFLC|Toronto Suomi Finlandia Lions Club

Visiting Senior Club Member Lion Risto Puhakka at Suomi Koti

Visiting Senior Club Member Lion Risto Puhakka at Suomi Koti

Lion Risto Puhakka has been a long term club member for decades. He is living in Suomi Koti at this time for better care and support.

Due to his physical and medical condition, his doctor suggests him not go to club meeting as he did before. So on February 2nd, 2014, on behalf of the Toronto Suomi Lions Club, current club president Lion Charlie, club treasurer Lion Sisko, and Past District Governor Lion Ilkka went up to the 7th level of Suomi Koti, and visited Lion Risto.

Lion Risto was watching TV shows with other seniors when the visitors came in. He was very happy to see his fellow club members, sat down with them, and started talking.

“I was told by my doctor that I shouldn’t walk too much. So I bought a car…” He spoke slowly, but he can still talk freely and lightly.

It was such a pleasant visit, that the assistant manager helped take a picture for them. More pictures are also available here.

On the same day, Toronto Suomi Lions Club also donated $1000 to Suomi Koti.

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