TSFLC|Toronto Suomi Finlandia Lions Club

What would our world look like, if there were no Lions Club?

Toronto Suomi Lions Essay Contest 2014
* Eligibility: All Canadian residents of all ages, and including the readers of Kanadan Sanomat.
* Prize for 1st place: $250, or FREE general admissions to 97th Toronto International Convention (chance to experience the once-in-a-life-time event right in your home town, making new friends with Lions from all over the world and having fun!)
* Prize for 2nd place: FREE subscription of Kanadan Sanomat for 6 months to a Canadian address in normal mailing class.
* All essays will be reviewed by the contest committee of Toronto Suomi Lions Club.
* Two winners will be selected by the contest committee by June 23rd, 2014, and then posted on the website of Toronto Suomi Lions Club.

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